How to connect your KISHA Umbrella to KISHA App for the first time

A short walkthrough

Step 1: Unpack your KISHA Umbrella and turn on the KISHA tracker

Please make sure that you connect KISHA Umbrella only through the App and not through system settings via Bluetooth.

Please make sure that your Bluetooth is on before launching the app.

Please allow location settings to “Allow using your location while using the app”. After you close the app system will ask you to keep the Bluetooth connection between your KISHA and the app – please switch location settings to “Always allow” – this will ensure tracking even when the KISHA app is closed. 

Step 2: Create your account

Once you create your account, you will be asked to confirm the password and to accept the Privacy policy

Step 3: Select your KISHA model via dropdown menu

Step 4: Wait 30-60 seconds until the App recognizes your KISHA Umbrella

Please allow 30-60 seconds until the connection is stable. 

Congratulations! Now you have your KISHA Umbrellas connected. 

We are working on the new app and tracker to allow multiple simultaneous connections via newer Bluetooth protocol (5.x and above)

Screenshots below

Please take a look at the screenshots below to make your connection to KISHA App easier. 


In case you have trouble connecting your KISHA Umbrella please check one of these items:

  • Make sure that the Kisha Beacon is ON
  • Try disconnecting all other BT connections from the phone (even a car pairing)
  • ⁠Turn off the Kisha App (not Beacon)
  • ⁠Restart the Kisha App
  • ⁠Find the Kisha umbrella (In-App: Menu, Manage My Umbrellas – Add My Kisha Umbrella) and 
  • Once found (finding it should be quite fast – a few seconds usually), set the model through the App.
  • It takes a few minutes to show the status of the beacon as Active.
If you still have trouble connecting your KISHA Umbrella please contact [email protected] – we’d be happy to help!


You might want to check the other guides for KISHA:

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